Consumers choose smartphones mostly because of their appearance

What motivates a customer to choose a particular model of mobile phone? Experts from the University of Seville, in collaboration with the Catholic University of North Chile, have recently published a study in which they report that the most important influence on the purchase of a mobile phone is what it looks like. The more attractive the image and design of the phone, the stronger the emotional relationship that consumers have with the product, which is a clear influence on their purchasing decision.

After analysing the data collected, the experts indicated that technical characteristics and functionality are the next factors to influence the purchase of smartphones.

“We have seen that the social value or colour of the mobile are questions that matter less to the consumer,” says University of Seville researcher Francisco Javier Rondan. The project was based on a sample of 388 valid responses, 247 from Brazilian users and 141 from Chileans.

With regard to the aesthetic qualities, the bestselling mobile phones of 2017 had flat screens with rounded edges and a size between 4.7″ and 5.5.” As for the average amount spent by consumers on this type of mobile device, the prices of the most sold smartphones ranged from 269 to 639 euros.